These Are Going To Be The Best Years Of Your Life!

Tiyambuke 2021 is just around the corner and we want to assure you that this time, this is going to be the best Tiyambuke you have ever experienced.

In 2020, we had to reimagine our Tiyambuke International Christian Convention as a thrilling virtual event, are we are excited to resume with the Virtual Experience in 2021. We are coming back with even more robust, intensive sessions to develop the framework for you to become the best person that you can ever become. 

We have designed Tiyambuke International Christian Convention to provide an amazing opportunity for everyone to expand their mind, meet unique people to connect with, and also help you to discover new aspects about yourself.

We want you to be aware that, this is what we have in mind for Tiyambuke 2021 and for you to begin experiencing You Best Ever. Taking full advantage of this opportunity will be life-changing for you.

Bishop Pride and Pastor Anna Sibiya will lead our 2021 Tiyambuke Virtual Experience alongside a lineup of illustrious thought leaders this September 2021.

The Tiyambuke Virtual Experience will canvas strategic topics that will definitely see you Experiencing The Best Years Of Your Life!
These Are Going To Be The Best Years Of Your Life!
 These Are Going To Be The Best Years Of Your Life!
We also want to remind you that sponsorships, partnerships and donations are an integral part of our Tiyambuke 2021 Conference. From sponsoring or partnering with us on a single session to becoming a headliner, we have many opportunities for you to become a Tiyambuke 2021 sponsor or partner. We invite you to please contact us for more information on how to become a sponsor or partner.

Bishop Pride and Pastor Anna Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke Online Online
Tiyambuke Annual Christian Convetion Hosted By Apostle Pride Sibiya Of Glory Ministries Is An Annual Event That Draws Thousands Of People - Tiyambuke. Tiyambuke Online
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