Obtaining Mercy and Finding Grace with Arch-Bishop Asa Gurupira

Tiyambuke Notes: (Day 4 Evening Session) Word by Archbishop A Gurupira
Title: Obtaining Mercy and Finding Grace with Arch-Bishop Asa Gurupira

Scripture: Hebrews 4:15-16,

President Richard Watson was very famous because of a scandal, he had put the nation to disrepute and everyone was shunning him off because of what he had done. 

When one of the then president found him sitting alone and said, welcome home soldier at a moment when he did not expect anyone to visit him. Because of one man, his life changed and from that moment he started to walk tall. He had received grace where he never expected to receive grace.

We have a high priest who passed through everything and we can now come boldly to the throne of grace. Grace is unmerited favour. The mountain that we are climbing needs grace all the way through. In the book of genesis when Adam fell he needed the grace of God because what he had done needed the grace to cover him in that mess. 

When Adam fell, we all fell. 
We are sinners because Adam fell.

The sins you are doing today is because of that sinful nature. God gave us grace with the blood of animals but it would only cover us only for a year, and when God would see the blood he would forgive. 
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!

We thank God because of His grace and unmerited favour, we were worshipping many gods, we were in our sins and had no hope, but the bibles says that whilst we were sinners Christ died for us. We did not deserve the grace of God but the blood of Jesus qualified us. 

I wonder what would be happening today if everyone was still sacrificing goats, thank god because of one man we are saved by grace and we receive it by faith. The enemy would want to complicate things in saying that we receive grace through work, but it is not of works that we should boast.

If you want to go far never think that it is your effort making things to happen. When you have the grace of God upon your life things become easy to do. They are different graces, grace of ministry, grace to pass through difficulties, grace to deliver what you are supposed to do, the grace of salvation. In James 4 the bible says he gives grace upon grace, he said in his word he resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

God did not start to work in you now but when you were still sinning he preserved you. Some of you are still shocked how you made it out of accidents prison, how God preserved you in difficulties. The grace started way back when you were still sinning, because of the purposes of God that he placed upon your life. You are not alive today because of wisdom but it is about the purposes of God in your life. When you start fulfilling the purpose of God you begin to receive grace upon grace.

How can you maintain grace?

There is a position in the child of God that enables grace to be poured. If it is by works then grace is no longer involved. Sometimes God gives grace for a specific function. You were born for a specific mission but you need grace to fulfil it.
God doesn’t wait for rumbling. Gideon was coming from a background where there was nothing and was the least in the whole tribe but God said you can go.

ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!

Faith In God Ministries International is a web of church assemblies and strategic ministries that engulfs the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Faith In God Ministries International was founded in 1999 by Asa and Mavis Gurupira, who are the General Overseers and Apostles of the ministry. Today, it has spread its tentacles across the nations of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa.

Founding Date: 1999

Biography: The ministry is marked with the distinct calling of Apostleship, Pastoral care, Evangelistic preaching, dynamic Teaching and Prophetic dimension!
Philosophy Of Ministry: Church Services, Strategic Forums, Community Responsibility Initiatives, Evangelism, Church Planting, Apostleship, Pastoral care, e.t.c

Personal Information: Archbishop Asa Gurupira is the Arch-Bishop of Faith In God Ministries International. He was called by God into the ministry at the age of fifteen, but ignored the call and pursued his studies in the area of Chemical Engineering.

In 1989 he graduated with a Masters’ Degree in Food Technology from the Havana University in Cuba.

As the call of God intensified while working in the corporate world, Apostle Asa finally succumbed and went into full-time ministry leaving his gainfully paying job. Today he has become successful in ministry and is a prolific international speaker who travels around the world preaching and teaching at conferences and crusades.

His main thrust is in Spiritual Warfare and Leadership.

He has planted many churches in his home country, Zimbabwe and oversees more than seventy-five (75) churches in the country and region. His Apostolic ministry extends from Zimbabwe to Southern Africa and beyond.

He has also travelled on Evangelistic Missions planting churches in Southern Africa through crusades and revival missions. To date, FIG has spread its tentacles in the nations of Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. His involvement in the mission field has changed his life dramatically.

He is married to a committed and dedicated wife, Mavis, who is also a Pastor and they are blessed with two beautiful daughters (Mutsawashe and Munashe) and a son (Tatenda). Apostle Asa is committed both to his family and ministry.

His family share with him in the burden of souls and they support him in ministry, wholly.
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!
ArchBishop Asa Gurupira and Faith In God Ministries International  - Vision Extraordinaire!

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

Tiyambuke International Christian Convention
with Apostle Pride Sibiya

The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.

With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.

The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.

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Tiyambuke Annual Christian Convetion Hosted By Apostle Pride Sibiya Of Glory Ministries Is An Annual Event That Draws Thousands Of People - Tiyambuke. Tiyambuke Online
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