Word By: Overseer M Chinoruma
Title: Wealth Creation - Never Stagger At The Promise Of God Overseer Maxwell Chinoruma
Scripture: Genesis 12:2-3
The success of God’s vision over Abraham had nothing to do with God but Abraham. If his hope had died he was not going to be a father of nations.
One day Paul on his way to Rome as a prisoner and had lost hope the bible says Paul encouraged the people and said there is a weave arising in the sea we might experience a ship rake let us not go forward, but the people he was with refused and as they went they met with what Paul had said. Paul stood up and said even if things are not well you are going to reach Rome.
Despite the hardships you are facing you will definitely make it. Despite what is around you if you believing the God that said you will make it you are going to achieve it.
Whenever God wants to do something significant in your life, it is not just an easy take. When God wanted to redeem the children of Israel sons were killed. When Jesus was about to be born sons were killed. That is why cholera is on a rampage when it is your time to live a long life.
That is why the economy suffers recession when it is your time to take the business mountain. It is so because significant people suffer significant trials. Do not be disheartened because what God said will come to pass.
Abraham and Sarah held on to the promise and had hope even if they were in their old age and past childbearing age.
The success of God’s promise over your life lies in you.
What are you doing with what God has spoken? Where are you going with what God has spoken?
The way to God’s promise is down the valley up the mountain. At times when you are down in the valley, you do not seem to be seeing the promises but when you go up the mountain you begin to see the promise. That which God said will come to pass.
In the book of second kings, Elisha said that there was going to be food in Israel the following day and a certain man challenged him and said it will not happen. Elisha told him that he will see it with his own eyes but will not partake of it.
The greatest hindrance to God’s promises over your life is you. You have to believe against hope when things are not going the way you want them to you have to keep on believing. Situations going against you, do you still believe that God can do it?
You have to possess your mountain.
The problem with some of us is that we really want to possess our business mountain but we spend most of our time sleeping. Not knowing that whilst you were sleeping some are making money and making their businesses better. There are some who came out of Egypt and failed to reach Canaan because they failed to hold on to the word of God.
Life should not be normal if you spend a day without doing anything that gives you a dollar. In as much as going to work has security, going to work is fulfilling other people’s vision. In order to possess the business mountain, we have to change the way we do our things.
When you want to get wealth in your life you have to set up structures and systems that will enable wealth to circulate around you by just declaring that you will not spend a day without putting a dollar in your pocket. Never belittle small things because some are making great monies out of what you are looking down upon.
We need to change our mindset and say that if I am going to possess the business mountain, I have to change the way I do my things, some certain characters and behaviours. It does not work to have the most expensive handbag with no money in it.
If you only have one stream of revenue bringing money in your life you are close to your destruction.
Three Things You Have To Do To Possess Your Business Mountain:
1. Change your lifestyle: It is not helpful to own expensive gadgets when you are broke. In your pockets, there should be money that is called guest relations, money that you never use but is set aside to welcome other monies.
This is the only way that will enable you to make it in the business world. Never live a life that you do not afford. If you cannot afford to buy fuel park your car at home and use public transport. Do not jump to grade seven when you are in grade three. If you cannot afford meat then you have to trim your budget.
Many start businesses and fail because they want to enjoy the profits before the business grows. Your lack of money does not even help you. People have faith when they do not have money and it becomes low when you have money.
When you do not have money you trust the prayer of the pastor but when you have money you tend to trust doctors. Being on the same level will not help you out. God did not lie when he said you will possess the business mountain but it is you who is staggering on God’s promises through laziness or unbelief?
2. Cut on unnecessary things: There are certain things that are not helpful in our lives. It is flashy to eat fast food but it is not healthy so it is not necessary. There are certain people who have an addiction to buying things over a bus window not because they need those things.
There are things that are important and things that is not important to choose to dwell on those that are important. There are certain people who buy clothes every month simply because they prefer cheap things but of poor quality which is rather not cheap at the end of the day as they perish quickly.
3. Maintain relationships and networks: There is no one who is not important. You need me I need you. There was once a man who was sick and when his friend heard that Jesus was in the city they went and tore the roof and lured down their friend and Jesus said I have never seen such faith, not of the sick man but of his friends.
You need people that take you to your preset destiny. It is important that we maintain relationships and networks. If we sit down and analyse see every one of your friends praising you and saying that you are great, you need to change your friends.
You need some of your friends that challenge you.
As long as our mentality remains the same we are never going to possess our mountains. The promises of God are yes and amen and are going to be fulfilled in our time and days. Unless you say I no longer want this thing will never change in your life. Poverty stinks and should never be your portion.
Every prophetic word that God said over your life shall come to pass.
Our God is able!
Overseer Maxwell Chinoruma Gallery Of Pictures For Tiyambuke 2019:
The Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC) is an annual gathering of Christian believers from various denominations, organized by Glory Ministries under the leadership of Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya.
With its inception in 2001, TICC has grown to become one of the largest conferences in Zimbabwe.
The convention's name, "Tiyambuke," meaning "Let Us Cross Over," reflects its mission to lead people out of ignorance, sin, and bondage into a life of knowledge, love for God, health, prosperity, and freedom.